App Description

MetNet is an iPhone app that shows an interactive network of human metabolism, including key enzymes, intermediates, and hormonal influences. MetNet currently contains catabolic and anabolic pathways in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, lipolysis, lipogenesis, TCA cycle, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, Pentose Phosphate Pathway, ketogenesis, ketolysis, and cholesterol metabolism. At MetNet, we really wanted to emphasize the interdependence of many different metabolic pathways. So whether you’re a biochemistry student doing homework, a medical student preparing for exams, a researcher studying metabolic pathways, or just curious about the processes that give our bodies energy, we really hope you enjoy the app!

How to use MetNet

MetNet is available for iOS and can be downloaded for free from the iPhone App Store. Once inside the app, to learn more about a specific metabolic compound, tap its green box. Tap on any arrow to learn about the enzyme that catalyzes that metabolic conversion and its hormonal influences.

To view subnetworks (for example, a network with only glycogen metabolism), tap the info button in the bottom-left corner. Use the below legend to determine the significance of the box and arrow coloring:

Teaching with MetNet

If you are interested in using MetNet as a teaching tool in your classroom, please contact us here. We will do everything we can to facilitate the process!


MetNet shows key metabolic intermediates attached by enzymatic arrows: screenshot1 Tap any arrow to see a description of the enzyme’s properties, cofactors, and hormonal influences. Tap any green box to see a description of the compound’s structure, synthesis, and reactivity: screenshot2 Tap the info button on the bottom-left corner to examine hormone-labeled subnetworks: screenshot3


Contact us with any questions, comments, or suggestions via this form. We will reply as soon as possible!